"If birds can fly and fly can planes, why can't I fly too said the curious steward of destiny." Author nameless
Monday, December 20
Sunday, December 19
7 Great Teachers
Even though these great teachers have passed on, their words still live, and in them their wisdom. I’ve made a list of seven what I believe are some of the greatest teachings by the world’s greatest minds.
1. Realizing Your Dreams
“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
- Lawrence J. Peter
In order for us to achieve our dreams, we must have a vision of our goals. Writing down our dreams and creating a list of actions helps us stick to our plan. As it’s said “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. When we turn our goals into measurable actions, we gain clarity and are able to see the necessary steps we must take in order to achieve them.
Action: Visualize a life of your wildest dreams. What did you dream of doing when you were a child? What would you do if you had a million dollars? Create a vision for your goals and start breaking them down into small actions that you can take on a day by day basis.
2. Overcoming Fear
“It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, “Always do what you are afraid to do.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The best way to learn something is to dive right in to it. When we overcome our fear of failure, we learn that only those who are asleep make no mistakes. Fear is the only thing keeping us from experiencing a life of love and fulfillment. If we make a commitment to an uncompromisable quest for truth, we will realize that as we grow more into the truth, our fears start to disappear.
Action: You must define your fears in order to conquer them. Create a list of everything you’re afraid of and start facing them one at a time. Make a commitment to yourself now to not let fear rule your life.
3. Intention and Desire
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.”- Guatama Buddha
Our thoughts determine our reality. When we stop thinking about what we don’t and begin thinking about what we do want, our lives begin to transform. Instead of working against our desires and intentions, we move into alignment with them.
Action: Create a list of your intentions and desires. Wherever you go, take this list with you. Read it when you wake up and before you go to sleep.
4. Happiness
“Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances.”
- Benjamin Franklin
Happiness comes from an inner peace, understanding and acceptance of life; a perspective of truth that opens your eyes to the beauty of life all around us. Happiness cannot be achieved by external status, it must be an internal state that we realize when we see our innate perfection.
Action: Realize that happiness is a choice. In every decision you make ask yourself “how can I respond to make myself happy and fulfilled?”
5. Self Acceptance
“If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” – Jesus
When we stop trying to be what we are not, we realize our authenticity. Before we had knowledge, we were completely authentic. We learn to use knowledge to measure and judge, which is a powerful tool we have as humans. However we create an image of perfection in our mind of what we should be, but are not. We confuse knowledge for nature. We believe in the lie of our imperfection. When we realize this we can reclaim the truth of our perfection and live in love and acceptance.
Action: Make a commitment to never go against yourself. Practice non-judgment and realize that the same part of your mind that condemns you is the same voice that caused you to take the action in the first place. We don’t even have to believe what we say to ourselves.
6. Appreciation and Gratitude
“So much has been given to me, I have not time to ponder over that which has been denied.”
- Helen Keller
How many times do we count our misfortunes rather than our blessings? When we take time to open our eyes to the miracle of life we can see the many gifts that have been given to us. Remembering all the beautiful aspects of life and all the reasons you are blessed can immediately shift our mood. We can move from sorrow and despair to appreciation and hope.
Action: Each time you find yourself complaining about something, re-direct your focus to something you are grateful for. Make a habit of transforming your awareness of troubles into an awareness of abundance.
7. The Art of Simplicity
“I made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it short.”
- Blaise Pascal
Perfection is not when there is nothing to add, but when there is nothing more to take away. As Bruce Lee once said “the height of cultivation always runs to simplicity.” True mastery of our lives is realizing the simple joys of life, removing distractions and clutter from our lives.
Action: The art of simplicity is knowing what to take away. Practice recognizing when you’re spending your time on unimportant tasks and re-focus on the important.
This list is by no means exhaustive. There are other many great teachings that I did not include here because I felt like they were already expounded on thoroughly elsewhere, such as Einstein and Gandhi’s timeless classics. There are also great teachings to be found from our parents or friends.
Courtesy of IlluminatedMind.net
Wednesday, December 8
Saturday, November 6
Jessica Jackley: Poverty, money -- and love | Video on TED.com
Jessica Jackley: Poverty, money -- and love | Video on TED.com
Thursday, November 4
Late night thoughts from New York
All of life can be broken down into simplified ways of living which breathe life into man.
Principly man lives first and foremost to survive. The basic elements that involve living are water, food and community. Without these basic necessities man is left empty and devoid of life. Of course that which precedes even these most basic needs is air to breathe and light to see.
These are thankfully two necessities which beget all other forms of needs and which are provided by nature itself.
The others are not as easy to come by and must therefore be sought after or provided for.
Once water, food and community are provided for man he is essentially retired from life. He is no longer required to search for a deeper purpose or meaning he simply needs to go on living in a way that supports his most basic needs.
Above and beyond this man begins to become slightly unhappy by his circumstances. So he begins to cling to and attach himself to results and outcomes of life. But before this he looks for pleasure. That which will make him feel good. That which will satisfy the cravings of his body and help him along in his life.
So man begins to gravitate towards that which brings him pleasure. Of course those things which are closest to the needs of man that make him feel good are eating food and sexual pleasure, peace of mind and feeling a sense of physical strength and energy.
So man begins to look for ways to satisfy these created needs.
Each of these areas of life then get categorized and prioritized based on the need of the individual.
But the combination is the key differentiator for each individual and of course we cannot forget about mans desire to create, accomplish and be recognized for his accomplishments.
So we can say that man is on a constant quest for self. For some it is to gratify and satisfy the bodily pleasures. For others it is the need to be creative. Yet for others it is a need to accomplish and even others it is a need to be recognized for his creation and or his accomplishments.
Some men are called to maintain their state and not to seek much outside of the boundaries of himself whilst others are called to go beyond and stretch the limitations of himself.
Friday, October 29
Waiting for Superman Movie Review
Last night I jumped on the subway and shot into Times Square in New York to check out a film that sheds light on the educational system in the US. Of course the people who read this blog will have likely been through the system (one or the other), most from school systems that were proving to show good results. However, there are two sides to the coin and the reality is that not all education systems are the same.
So I write this blog as more of a question of what is it other people think about the school system in the United States? Have you seen the impact that the unions have in terms of creating real change? Where will we be in 10, 20 or 50 years from today? Will the unions survivalist thinking and securitized ten-year be honored the way they are today? Or will the notions of new thinking, proven results, ridding of the old system and moving into the new paradigm become the conversation of the past?
There is no doubt the right now is a shift happening in the US and in the world like never before. Some call it the new paradigm and I have heard it said that we are either serving the old paradigm or honoring the new paradigm.
What is the new paradigm?
Well it has to do with a shift in the fundamental and pervasive thinking of the older generations vs. the forward thinking of the progressive. But more importantly it has to do with enrollment of the collective mind into understanding that perhaps there exists a universal truth or absolute truth as to why we live. Why we exist and why we are here? That shift is a new idea, a new belief and new life which has to do with respect for the planet and love for our neighbors.
I plan to write more about this very topic later showing specific examples and sharing about my vision for what I am and plan to do with regard to my belief in the new paradigm. Which by the way isn't new at all, but simply that we have been distracted by the old paradigm so much that we are just now beginning to see as a whole what the impact of the old systems are and what the difference can be with a new paradigm that works. To serve our fellow man or to not? This is really the only question and once we determine our answer the next question becomes is how.
Enjoy the trailer if you haven't already seen it or share your thoughts on the movie, the system, the future of our world.
Wednesday, October 27
Friendship, Trust & Perspective
Will anyone believe me if I say that I can see it but that I cannot touch it. Do we not live our life in such a way that breads the concern of whether others will believe us or at least believe our idea or thought or vision? Principally speaking others will believe that which is believable to the extent that trust is present. Trust is the barrier of truth. If I trust then it must be true. But what if I put my trust in a thought or an idea or a person that is not the truth and does not represent the truth? What if I align myself, my thoughts, my energy with a concept or vision that I myself have created in my internal dialog that for not breed clarity and thus I am caught in the whirlwind of either letting go or hanging on to a reality which I have created based on my instinct which then fails to come to fruition and thus I am left with an empty feeling? What then do I do with this empty feeling I side if me? First can we distinguish that a feeling is a made up phenomenon that is chosen by our conscious or subconscious. But you say that feelings make me feel the way that I feel and subsequently determine my thoughts and my actions for me. Then I say that you then are at the effect of your feelings rather than your feelings being at the effect of your freedom to chose. Here which choice we become satisfied by or not is that with which we have chosen. Left or right chose..."where are we going?" left or right chose..."where are we going isn't the question and who said we were going somewhere? If I am asked left or right chose and then determine from the question that we are going somewhere I've then created a reality that did not come from the question that was asked but rather my perception of the question that was asked and thus how it occurred for me. Left or right chose?...left. Why did you chose left? I chose left because I chose left. Now reality is set. Okay I have answered the question and the conversation is complete.
So then what is friendship? Friendship is a bond or a union of souls based on a connection that is unseen yet determined as experienced. Friendship is then not based on expectations but on choice. If I chose to be friends with someone then I call them a friend. I can also chose to no longer call them my friend. Which is to say that I have given up that friendship. Perhaps I didn't see our friendship for what is was if later I am required to give it up? Or maybe my perspective changed and I did not see that what we had connected for and by did not have reason associated to it or I would have said that my friendship with you is based on some expectations that I have of you and if you do not fulfill what I have in mind for who you are for me then I will give up calling you my friend and let go of our connection. Perhaps this is a capacity issue or willingness or not or rather it may not be anything other than the freedom to chose. Perhaps then we are free, free to chose. Ah and others may be offended by the choices we make. Will this limit me and my life to continue choosing. I guess this is my choice.
Now that we have determined that a feeling is based on choice then we must also consider that the choice must have an impact. So what then we do with feeling is to identify what is as the source of it, what is causing it and what is shaping it so that then we may get to the reality if that which we are projecting as a perception. That perception then becomes our reality and thus creates our experience of our life. If I cannot determine the source of that which is causing my experience then I do not have clarity and thus my view is foggy. Have you ever driven in the fog or played darts with a blindfold on? This is what sharing or expressing feelings is like when disconnected from the source or the truth of what has me feel the way I feel and thus expressing from the point of view of that which I myself am feeling with. If I project my feelings onto you and call them your fault then the game I am playing is blame others for the way I feel and play the victim for how others treat me.
Sunday, October 24
Werner Erhard speaks to Kennedy School students
The Social Network Post Analysis
The Facebook movement profoundly influenced its users in such a way that has and continues to make the impossible possible. The impact is no doubt strong and the reach is wide but what results is the movement making to impact social change? What is the impact on the undeserved communities? Facebook is the platform for communication. Hello Smile is the platform for communicating prevention.
Prevention of what? Prevention of the pervasive disorders of our society. Today the statistics of totally preventable disease is staggering and the system isn't set up to handle it. Currently, the systems in place in the US are primarily after affect systems that deal with aiding the cure not curing the aid. In order for the aid to be cured prevention is a must. Without prevention we have the continuation of a backwards system working to solve the problems after they happen rather than solve the problem before it starts. Of course, we are blessed to have any system at all and the level of healthcare in the US is of the highest escalon but what is missing the the presence of a system that looks ahead to the future and brings forth the possibility of a system that works, a system that prevents.
Taking into account the issues that cost our health care system billions of dollars the question becomes how do we afford and to implement prevention and at what cost? The argument for the necessity of such a system is not the question being asked. Rather, the question is how? By what means and who will lead the charge? The undertaking is monumental in scope but rather but limited to the action of each individual.
Of course, fighting the current system is a lose lose proposition and one that will never be won. Moreover, the invention and proof of a new system operating at mass levels is the game at play and a game that is worth playing. The current system is based on capitalistic idealism and the wealth game. This is not the problem. These are fair rules of the game however, they should not be the primary motivators or primary drivers of action. Rather, the outcome is health and happiness for all at the stage of prevention is. In ping pong or tennis the game is not to hit the ball to early for fear of missing the court or not to hit the ball to late for fear of the same but to swing at the right time in order to make proper contact for accurate placement. And like Facebooks staggering revelation and successful implementation the numbers speak for themselves. Now is a time in which the resources at hand incalculable and the desire to make an impact is at the forefront of the minds of the masses. The question of how will it look and whom will lead the charge is the only question in flux. While many attempt to solve this puzzle I believe it will be accomplished in my lifetime. And if those who claim belief have a say it will.
Saturday, October 23
Thoughts from 20,000 Feet
It is in mans created reaction to his (stimulus) circumstances that man creates the meaning of his life and thus also the expression of his life. How his life then gets created is by his perception or his own views of life. By distinguishing and mastering his view of his life. He then becomes the chooser of his experience of life. It is then by way of his view or his interpreted/created view that he then begins to manifest the experience he has with life. All that shows up in his awareness and his experience of life then becomes a reflection of the state or condition of his most inner dwelling place. His emotional energy, spiritual energy and physical energy including thought energy is thus a result of the condition or state of his inner world or inner sanctuary.
There are several factors which play a role in the development, maintenance and nurturing of our inner world. First we must examine the condition or state or our inner world or inner most being that is the primary source that reflects our whole experience of life. Much like the state of our physical condition is related to the inner workings of our organs and thus our blood working together in union with our organs to give us the condition or state of our physical body I am thus to examine what is the determiner or determiners of the state or condition of our inner self. How and why it is the way it is and what role we as human beings play in the game of attaining inner illumination and the highest experience of life and thus the final examination of our deepest and highest purpose and the way to finding it/living it.
Monday, October 18
10 Realizations about Life
Over the past couple of weeks after spending 2 months in a spiritual womb and injecting myself with Gods love I have seen much and experienced the difference of light and dark. After being back in the city I can see that the world, the city life, the people, the energies in motion I have realized much about my current state, my life and the meaning of it all.
I have come to several conclusions about my life and will attempt to share that which I have learned about me via the expression of writing.
1. Distractions are all around us. Distractions are in this order (anything we focus on outside of our current goal or target rather thinking or doing is a distraction from our ultimate purpose.)
a. Unimportant Phone Calls
b. Meaningless Text Messages
c. Emails
d. thoughts, dreams, ambitions and visions
2. What doesn't work is to focus on thoughts that are not in the moment, of the moment and moving the spirit forward.
3. What does work is to be present to what is possible make a plan, write down the necessary objects of interest that need to get accomplished and accomplish them. Like writing a shopping list before going to the market. The result lives in the planning and writing it down then executing on it to produce the result.
4. Contemplation is very important and most important when we feel disconnected from others, from ourself, from God and from what mission we are fulfilling on.
5. Depression is as real as a made up reality.
6. Possibilities are as real as we are aligned with our word both said and unsaid.
7. Energy controls our live. Either good or bad, positive or negative. Energy communicates our fate and destiny. Give to much away to negative you may be over come by the negative. Give to much to the positive you may fly into ecstacy!
8. Hope is a dream as faith is a deep inner strength of hope forwarded out word to the universe. Moving forward is faith in action and faith in action produces results. Results that stem from the intention of the faith.
9. Worry is toxic!
10. Love is all we have!
Tuesday, October 12
Monday, October 4
Social Media Revolution
Monday, September 27
Wednesday, September 1
Coming out of the shell...let me out!
When I first started writing I was somewhat retisent that others would read my blog or even care that I write a blog so justified my writing stating to myself that my blog was for me and a way to account for my life, what I think, where I go, what is up and so forth.
After a more than 2 month spiritual journey to get myself back I have decided that it is time to start sharing myself in a more authentic manner. So I have changed my outlook on things a bit and after turning 30 in July which some say is, "the new 20" I decided it is time to begin playing this game called life and to express my creative talents, abilities and most importantly be me.
I write sitting on a train from Chicago where I have been for the past week. I am heading to Detroit for the last of my spiritual journey which is only the beginning of the spiritual journey that is yet to come! Next we will begin heading east.
Now I head to the 3rd and final Monastery and one of 6 Churches that I will have confessed and taken communion with my brothers and sisters in the Orthodox Church.
Interestingly, I had a chance to visit a Notre Dame a couple of days ago where I visited the Basillica (wow this was beautiful). I took one of my best friends to visit the inside of the Church and made no hesitation to cross myself upon entering with the Holy Water always prominent in Catholic Churches.
And so it is, my travels continue and more sharing to come. Let's have some fun and make some music.
Detroit here I come!!!
Writing from a train (thank you Verizon Wireless)
Friday, August 27
"Default Travel Partners"
That said, I have had both seats of which I chose the window option. After a decent nights sleep at a 30 degree angle that is, I woke to sunshine and beautiful landscape out my window side.
I then encountered a "Default Travel Partner" or (DTP). I am not sure if this is such a word but for me now it is. So the DTP began talking the moment he sat down asking questions and telling me about his life. Now, I don't want to be rude but I am not always looking to make everyone my friend whilst in the space of travel. Of course, there is a limit to everything and embracing humanity is necessary. We need it!
But how does one deal with this situation? The DTP wants to talk about his Indian dancing career and how he is travelling to Utah to become a professional wrestler. Not that this isn't interesting stuff because in someways this is some really interesting conversation. But then again, that limit kicks in and I don't want to feel bad yet I begin to ignore slowly pacing his jibber jabber down to a quiet nothing.
Is this proper adequate?
Have I left him sad or disappointed?
Will he forgive me?
Well, I guess if I cordially say a fair-well and grant a smile of peace and love all will be good. I suppose the vibes or energetic fields between two people left in peace is most important. But let's not hold bad vibes toward him. He is just trying to be friendly and make a friend. So I embrace you, give up some of my personal space and send good vibrations your way Mr. DTP!
Peter Drucker on happiness of people
Wednesday, August 18
Creation vs. Constructs
But that the world was created from nothing and was written as such we can begin to distinguish that God created language and gave language to human beings such that they might be in communion with God. Hence the reason for our existence or purpose on this planet which is that God made us for his pleasure and thus to be in communion with him.
Adam and Eve rejected Gods purpose for our life and thus became fallen as they became aware that they had choice. This choice led them to experiment with their curiosities in the realm of knowledge and thus they became aware of their humanity. Here in lies the struggle for all human beings.
Our freedom is slighted or taken away from us every time we turn to the constraints or vices which hold us back from being completely free. For human being this is not easily understood because each human being has his or her own past which generally dictates to human being what their automated response to life will be. Furthermore, this relationship to past experiences equals varying degrees of how we relate to circumstances and situations. Most human beings tend to live in a state of reaction in which very little space is given to situations and circumstances and thus each person is faced with slight or even heavy inner pressure that is carried with them throughout their life. Circumstances may change when a good song comes on or some contact with them-self or another human being frees them from this slight inner pressure which is merely a reaction to a stimulus typically more than not a pattern of their past.
This becomes a human beings life mainly reacting to and from life's experiences, circumstances and past constraints. Furthermore constraints are like the already always patterns which were created either consciously or unconsciously in a human beings past. Typically these constraints are deeply embedded in our thought processes that the constraints become the constructs which we live by day in and day out. We might have moments of relief from such constructs that are actually guiding our life but our natural response has merely been to fall on that which we already know and that which we have knowingly or unknowingly created or constructed.
To get to nothing then is a practice or a discipline in letting go of our constraints and constructs. To let go of patterned ways of being and to be with that inner pressure until we see that we allow this pressure to control us and dictate to us our state of being. Thus it is not our circumstances or anything outside of us that creates our life. It is merely our created way of being either from nothing or from constructs that become that which is.
Writings from a Monastery
Sunday, August 15
Worry and Fear
Oscillating one's thought energy or thought patterns from "good for a time" or "at peace for a time" to "worry for a time" or "fear for a time" is like blowing with the wind and reacting to the places the wind carry's us. This same truth holds true for animals as it does for human beings. The primary difference being that human beings have the ability to think and reason the decision we make and the choices we consider in our lives. Animals on the other hand are arguably more in tune with their very nature.
A kitten for example will be less likely to put unknown objects in their mouth whilst a child on the other hand is more willing to taste most objects it finds in his hand. Of course the kitten is more concerned about survival and finding food knowing innately that without food it will suffer. Consequently for human babies this realization takes years to become conscious enough to realize it is alive and must find on its own a way to survive. Instead it is concerned with being provided for, held, cuddled and fed. If he does not have these things he will express worry and fear or lack by his actions and thus he will cry and demand that he be provided for.
In similar fashion the birds will rely on their mother to feed them for a time until they baby bird is ready to feed itself, then a push from mother sends them out into the air ready to crash into the ground or fly amongst the air. But that bird does not know by thought as human beings think that he had wings to fly that will save his life. By the laws that govern nature he simply knows to start flapping his wings in the hope and faith of staying in the air and alive as it was designed to do all along. There is however a chance that he may not make it but then again these are the words of a human. The bird certainly does not know that death is an option, he just flaps his wings because he knows by the sense of his very nature to flap. The baby also know its nature but is in a more helpless state for a longer period of time than the bird. His resolve is to cry in such a manner as to expend precious energy making sounds of moaning and suffering in desperate attempt to continue surviving.
Human beings who being to reach adulthood and the become conscious enough to recognize his ability to survive on his own is then tossed into the storm of reason, opinions, emotions, feelings and points of view no animal had to endure. For all the animal knows is that which it had been given by nature. But the human must endure through and beyond all circumstances to live in the peace and freedom as the animals do.
Writings from a Monastery
Feeling Shame
Many men have fought and lost wars. But in fact all fighting is against the true nature of man. When perspective is shifted and man turns against his nature the door has been opened for corruption of man to set it. Fantasy, Illusion, Delusion, Dreams and Ideology can and will lead one astray and against his nature. For only pure heart and pure mind can lead one to his promised land. Divine intervention cannot and should not be sought after for seeking such power can only lead on in to the depths of his own undoing and away from an intense focus on realistic possibilities.
Perhaps the biggest danger to man is is the man who does not know himself but thinks he does or perhaps he does not know himself but thinks he knows his circumstances enough to get what he wants or what he things he wants or what he thinks will make him honored or accepted or unalienable from the depths of his own tragedy.
But the profound realization sets in and he knows now that he has abused his power, his innate abilities he has squandered and thus he has created a mess for himself. This mess has caused others to leave him, cause him to become weakened and sad, confused with worldly passions always searching for the answer that was and has been given to him so often but he neglected to see it, accept it and live by it until now. But this time is different for the truth has been revealed and this time he is ready to accept it at the cost of giving up the battle which he had been fighting, leaving behind a mess to be cleaned up by those who had abandoned him long before this realization. And now he was is start with a new start, a fresh start, a blank slate, new surroundings, new ways of thinking and living, sobriety, new friendships and most importantly the inner stillness and peace which he had been thirsting for all along.
Writings from a Monastery
Friday, July 9
External Realities of Life
And so our life purpose becomes a question in which we are always striving to answer that lives more in our sub-conscious mind than in our present knowingness of our actual behavior...If we can just wake up everyday and fit in and look good over and over and over again...feewww...we have can tell ourselves that we made it through another day. Of course, their are varying degrees of how this lives and acts in each of our lives. For each of us the focus may be more geared toward one area of life than then another area of life.
Of course this is mostly how adolescence consider the world especially as the values of society begin to take over our thoughts and mind and to become normal is the goal.
For adults not only consider the external reality in terms of fitting into the status quo but now as one reaches adulthood society will begin to judge him more harshly so he must be prepared to face the bitter challenges that the world presents.
Now we see that things like status become the pervasive point of view and looking good is no longer the fundamental point of view. Now one must prepare himself with a good education, he must surround himself with the right people who are aligned in their thoughts, attitude and actions and he must arm himself with right knowingness of the world or he will simply be outcastes from his social group which may even be his very own family. He will study subjects and perform examinations to continue to fit the mold that society has created for him to fit. He will know more, think more, study more and soon he will find himself faced with the next dilemma of life. This is the dilemma of finding a mate and supporting her. So he must now take this new found knowledge and find both love and money with it. So he will take his body which he has made acceptable to others, he will fit in and begin to market his looks, his knowledge and convince others that he is capable to handle the work.
Where does this leave him in the natural order of the progressive reality of society?
For this is the struggle of the normal human being.
Is this the struggle of the average leader?
Let us explore leadership.
All along the man who made his life to fit in has never thought a thought for himself. And even if he did he did not allow himself to go into the question very deep at all for fear of disrupting the unconscious existence he has unconsciously carved out for himself already.
Now to the man who is looking for himself but cannot seem to find it. So he is caught in the vicious circle of life repeating the same mantras over and over within his given environment.
But the leader is quite willing take take a slightly different approach where he allows for independent thought to guide his way, guide his path because he has become determined to make his way to the top.
The top of what?
The top of the ranks of his society, his friends, his family, his work, etc. He see's the external reality as a playground of sorts. A sort of fiction, an opportunity to fine tune himself in his surroundings and make his path the way that he see's it. After all the swing set is calling and the roller coaster are fun.
But now that he has found this new found view of life he is happy because he has ensured his survival and is able to provide for his needs and the needs around him.
So how far will he take his leadership. Will he earn the highest ranks so that he may one day rule the world? or will he see that his life is of no value unless he lives it for those who do not know what he knows or have what he has? Will he have compassion on his brother and find love for humanity such that he will lay down his life and all that he has to give this that he has to those whom do not have it for themselves but desire to taste of this fruit he has found and to smell of the incense he is burning?
So, everyday we awake and are faced with a choice. Will I serve me and my life in search of my own self happiness or will I look to others who are longing for what it is that I have and give this freely. The search is over for truth is found within. The external realities of life are obvious so when will we truly begin to look within?
Wednesday, June 30
So it can be said that any and all attachment to the world is a matter of spiritual, mental and physical or bodily maturity and where one is (or stands in a Point of View)for his/her quest for truth, freedom and peace. To be as One standing united with all that is good (not moral good but good like whole and complete) to God is denial of our attachment to all things in the physical universe that temp is to honor them as god or gods. The nature of God is alive in no-thing but we as human beings are faced with the reality that we must live out our humanity and to do so we must be present to the physical space and reality of all things to gage our sense of self and place our purpose in life. We may also chose not this or be somewhere in between which is to say that perhaps we give ourself over to a limited perspective of the ultimate truth and tend towards a lukewarm mentality which we may deep as a balance of truth! So as humans we are caught between the physical reality wherein lies choice and the choices presented to our being along the way. What to do? Who to be? How to live? What to say? What to believe? Etc.
Free will - we have been given as a gift of grace but we cannot experience freely if our perspective is caught in the trap and mind twist of being attached to things in the physical reality ie. The world or anything physical which not only includes stuff or things but also thoughts, language and relationship to ourselves, one another and ultimate truth. So we do not get the right to exercise our free will Fully or Freely so long as we subscribe to the ways of the physical universe as the ultimate truth. Thereby we humans tend to live by a sub-set of half truths and thus are left empty with empty meaning or lack of purpose resulting in depression, anxiety, frustration with life. We then resort to more things which only perpetuate the challenges we were faced with in the first place.
For the most part, this idea is scary because it implies that we may therefore perceive our human right (choice and free will) to mean our right is to determine our path or our course based on some knowledge of the past. But the maturation of perspective is the determiner of such choice that leads to the direction of free will which ultimately winds us down the road the road most traveled per societies given directional cues or on the flip side the road less traveled, the narrow path, the life of virtue. The path that brings forth recognition of Spirit connects our heart, soul and mind to the ultimate reality. Of course, if there is an ultimate reality we might then find that which we chose to follow or chose otherwise. It's hot or cold, black or white for in between gives rise to confusion, difficulty, uncertainty, lack, pain, suffering and so on.
Sunday, June 27
Hold on, Let go
Song: Hold on, Let go
A day is coming, that day is near
The day that all pain and suffering will disappear
Hold on for a time but not too long
You love is deep, so be strong
Let go of fear
Watch it disappear
Your love runs deep ripples through the heavens
A love divine that only you can find
Today is the day that you let go
The day true life, will find it's journey back home
In pain is freedom, suffering is love
Today the day she was lifted above
Green pastures await her at heavens gates
And the angels await her with smiles on their face
Truly truly the day has come
So let go and live your life and free your soul
Let go and live your life today she must go
She was called into the next world
This moment in time, now rest with the divine
The day is coming, the day is here
The day when all pain and suffering will disappear
So, hold on no longer
Hold on no longer of the confusion inside
Free your love, you so compassionately provide
Your love runs deep so be strong
The time will come to be with her again it wont be long
The day is coming
The day is here
Her soul is in peace, that much is clear
Today is the day
Hold on for a time but not to long
Your love is deep is deep so be strong
Let go of fear watch all your worries disappear
Today today is here
Seeds of Rebellion
to this I ask...will you be great?
Will you be the you you deny yourself to be?
Will you let go of your strong-minded point of view re: your normal life? The one you have been living. Drop it. Start a new in the context of that whom you truly are or have had visions to be.
Have you asked yourself why you deny your desire to be the real you? Why you continue to battle with what is and what has been for so long. Over and over again the conversation of our lives do not change while we look for that which we cannot see. Could it be that that which we believed to be real up until Now has been a perception that we have chosen to chose? Perhaps but by who's will? Ours, others, the universe, God?
Are we fearful of true absolute truth cause that would mean change and change would mean more work for us. Perhaps an interuptions to the life we have been living?
Would this be so bad or could it be so good that no challenge is seen and life then become the manifestation of that search for truth...
Wednesday, June 16
One Day...
Imagining Loss...
Tuesday, May 18
Rushing for Life!
Tuesday, February 16
Remembering James M. Wood
Okay...this is a long one but worth the read! I recently came across and article which shared so much insight about a truly honorable human being...Why Post? The street I live in on Korea Town is name after him and...I shared the spirit and nature of this man so I thought I'd share with those who want to be inspired by what one human being was able to accomplish on his short journey here on this earth. Enjoy :)
Remembering James M. Wood
Photo via Sha in LA's James M. Wood Blvd. Walk on Flickr
In Los Angeles, there are some important streets named for some important people. Beaudry, Wilcox, Van Nuys, Lankershim, Wilshire, Micheltorena, and hundreds of others named for leaders, developers, owners, and others. But, in Los Angeles, there are streets that have been changed in honor of an individual. Santa Barbara Avenue in South Los Angeles was changed to honor civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1982 and Brooklyn Avenue & Macy Street were changed in 1993 to honor civil rights leader Cesar Chavez. Tom Bradley had a section of First Street named concurrently in his honor in 2001. These are the most recent street name changes of major lengths. (Yes, Chick Hearn Court was also changed from Eleventh Street, and Johnnie Cochran Vista was named just last year from Seventeenth Street; but neither are of major street length). There is one other street, though, that needs mention here: James M. Wood Boulevard.
Unlike Chavez or King, Wood doesn’t benefit from nationwide name recognition. In fact, most people confuse this street with the actor of the same name (though different middle initial). Just this February, local blogger Shannon from Sha in LA walked James M. Wood, but she wasn’t able to find out much about the man in advance of her adventure for whom the former Ninth Street was named in 1999.
So, who was this man and why does he share a distinction of having a major length of street changed in his name with Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King? How does this man have a more prominent length of street named for him even than the great Mayor Bradley?
Basic searches of “James M. Wood” reveal short blurbs about a union leader, but there had to be more to warrant such a name change. The text of the 1997 motion requesting the name change was simple: “James M. Wood was a labor leader who worked tirelessly to improve the lives of working men and women in the City and in the region. He continued with stubborn resolve to work toward that goal until his untimely death. It is appropriate that the City recognize his efforts by renaming a portion of 9th Street from Figueroa to Western Avenue, as James M. Wood Boulevard.” What work was done by this man for our City to deserve this honor?
Sue Laris, Publisher of the Los Angeles Downtown News, wrote in favor of the Ninth Street name change in 1999:
"He deserves it, and the name Wood Blvd. would serve as an omnipresent reminder of community dedication, commitment to ideals, vision, willingness to overcome obstacles, the symbiotic relationship that ought to exist between business and labor, bridges that can be built between forces that think they are at odds and any manner of other good qualities we want ourselves and our children to be reminded of on a regular basis."
With a little more research to LA Times archives, we found that he was on the board and Chair of the Community Redevelopment Agency from in the 1970s and 1980s for 14 years and ushered in the new Downtown. He was the 3rd member of a 3-member panel on the Los Angeles State Building Authority that actually got the State Building built in downtown after years of stalls. He was an advocate for the renters of downtown, fighting the first wave of condo conversions in the late 1970s. He fought to make sure that new housing built in downtown was affordable. He also was able to negotiate good wages as bunker hill developed for the workers in the new skyline of Los Angeles. Moreover, he created the SRO Housing Corporation to address housing needs for the poorest in the City as the City began to redevelop Bunker Hill (from slums to today’s corporate castles). But, honestly, who was Jim Wood? And was this street name change an appropriate one?
To find out, we went to the closest thing to the source there is: Mrs. James M. Wood, his wife Janice Wood. What she revealed about the man she married and their relationship illuminates the man he truly was.
Janice met Jim met through their union (Communications Workers of America). “It was far from love at first sight,” she said about their first meeting a party for a mutual friend. “But our mutual friend, my union rep, kept insisting we should get together and we finally gave in to the pressure and went on a date. It was probably the most interesting date I had ever been on.” They dated for years and were finally married in 1978. “A mutual friend once commented on how lucky I was because in marrying Jim, I got the prince and the cowboy. And I did.”
Once called the “king of the one-liners,” Jim had one of the world’s greatest senses of humor, according to Janice. “He was a joyful person and really fun to be around. He was very kind, good natured, [and] easy to get along with. He was generous and honorable and smart and very handsome.” She indicated that he shared in the household chores and learned how to fix almost anything around the house. “He was extremely tidy. I am not. He once accused me of being like "Carrie" from the movie,” she recalled. "‘Every time you come into a room, all the drawers fly open and objects move all over the place.’"
Wood was known for wearing cowboy boots to the point that the Times in 1986 described Wood as one who "favors cowboy boots and gung-ho, build-or-bust rhetoric" in a profile of the community leader. So what about that cowboy boot reputation? “Although he wore cowboy boots everyday, he only had 2 pairs, and neither of them were fancied up with snakeskin or lizard. He had one brown pair, and one black pair that when polished to a gleam were worn with his tuxedo.”
Though he averaged 11 to 12 hour work days and spent most meals meeting with someone regarding business, Wood liked to read science fiction novels, watch animated films, and roller skate at the beach. Because of a bad back, he began taking yoga classes that eventually led him to teach yoga to people with physical limitations. Janice says that though he didn’t have to do for fun, “he made everything he did fun.”
Over the years, Wood turned down better paying -- some might say more prestigious - - jobs because he wanted to do the work of the Federation of Labor more than anything else. For 30 years, he worked in various political programs (like Associate Director for Political Education), and he truly earned the job of becoming head of the LA County Federation of Labor. It was his endless fascination with politics that brought him into the Labor Movement, according to his wife, from his college days. “There is no doubt that his true passion was politics.” After his death, Mayor Bradley noted that, "Jim had a mission to help people, but he understood that everything we wanted to do was going to require a partnership of business, labor and community leaders." Clearly, Jim Wood understood what politics meant to serving the community.
As the woman who stood by the man credited by many as the reason we established a real downtown for Los Angeles, Janice indicated that it was Jim’s “unique ability to “forge agreements between developers, public officials and labor unions. It was those agreements that made the building of our current downtown possible. Without Jim's leadership and constant efforts, some believe we could not have reached the level of revitalization we see in downtown today.” But Wood went farther than just redevelopment. He was concerned about the people. “He got developers to make agreements with the union that represented janitors so that buildings created with public funds or specially granted privileges would create decent jobs for the lowest paid workers.” SRO Housing, which Wood founded, began buying skid row buildings that needed seismic and other improvements to be upgraded to clean, safe, affordable housing for people displaced by downtown development. Those buildings are now a major source of affordable housing for the those most in need in our City. “Jim strongly opposed the idea of letting development simply run people off and insisted it was the City's duty to create somewhere for them to go,” Janice recalled. “As enormous as the problems on Skid Row are today, I believe they would be much worse if not for Jim's intervention.” To honor his efforts, SRO Housing built a community center at 5th and San Julian, the James M. Wood Center.
It wasn’t uncommon for Mrs. Wood to come home to find someone sleeping on a sleeping bag on their living room floor because they needed a place to stay, and he’d often use his own money to help someone who was down on their luck. “He helped pretty much anyone who asked him for help, if he could. And he helped people not because he had to or even because he should, but just because he could,” she said. “He helped people find jobs and housing, and he had a kind ear for someone who needed to tell their troubles to a caring listener.”
Upon his death, now County Fed leader and then head of Local 11 of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Maria Elena Durazo said, "He was always willing to use his political and corporate relationships for our benefit." Very few leaders have both connections the way that James M. Wood did.
His widow illuminated that note even further:
“Angelenos should know that everyone can do some of what Jim did. Jim came from a very poor family. He was raised by a single mother and began working while he was still in high school, but he always wanted to do something about the state of the world.” Janice relayed. “And he never threw up his hands and declared that any problem was too big or too difficult, he just worked away at it, whatever it was. Jim knew that he couldn't fix everything, but he could do something -- so he did.”
Now, renaming a street is no easy feat. Trying to change the name of Crenshaw Boulevard to Tom Bradley Boulevard just a few years ago saw outgoing Councilman Nate Holden battle hard against his peers and community; and he was unsuccessful. Even the naming of MLK Boulevard in 1982 was not without controversy for then Councilman Farrell. So, when Hernandez said at a one year memorial for Jim Wood that Wood had done so much for the City that "We should name a street after him," things got rolling.
Some of Wood’s friends vowed not to forget the idea of a street name, and a motion to that end was introduced in 1997. Though the process took many months, it moved steadily through the system namely the main hearing before Public Works Committee of the City Council, chaired by Rita Walters. According to Janice, one of Jim’s best friends (Bill Luddy) said during the hearing that, "If you don't believe that one person can make a difference, you didn't know Jim Wood." Many spoke in favor of the name change, including Walters and other officeholders.
This process, though controversial as to the length of Ninth Street which should be renamed, was well-supported. Only one person spoke in opposition: a man concerned only concern was the inconvenience of owning property on a street that was renamed. The full council passed the motion and it became thus: James M. Wood Boulevard. With just one hiccup. Janice relayed that “after the City made the decision for the renaming, CalTrans balked because that would cause a new sign to have to be erected on the 110 Freeway downtown. Senator Gil Cedillo stepped in and solved that problem almost immediately.”
When asked why she thought the street name was changed in her husband’s honor, Janice replied:
“I think people cared about Jim because he so obviously cared about them. He worried about what would happen to skid row residents, he understood that concerns of political leaders who always had the next election facing them, and he listened fairly to the concerns of developers about trying to do business with the City. People just plain liked him; they like him a lot. And, I believe his accomplishments, including a downtown skyline, were too visible to be ignored. That's why the street renaming happened.”
So, clearly, this man was deserving of this street name. Let’s just hope that Angelenos don’t forget why such an honor was bestowed upon this man who transformed the City and the dream that he made a reality in the City’s core. His wife Janice sums it up best: “Jim believed in doing what he could to make the world around him better. He had few advantages but used everything he had to make our City a better place. It doesn't take a millionaire or a genius to change a City. It just takes someone who wants to and is willing to spend his or her life doing it.”