Friday, October 14

Conversation with an angel

Yesturday night I experienced some realizations about my life that I thought I would capture as a poem. So here it is, I hope you enjoy it. Its called Conversation with an angel. Christopher


He walked along the broken path
As he stumbled from place to place
The night was clear but it was dark as his happiness seemed to leave his face
He was dismayed by all the other faces he saw
Unrest, no peace struggle for all
Worried he sorrowed for all the pain that he felt
As if he was handed a flop, the cards he was dealt
He found nothing to live for nothing but love and that was the moment he was lifted above
He floated high on the clouds way up in the sky
The angel appeared even though he was high
Sites unseen went speedily by like flashes of light that lit up the night
His arms wide open for all the love he could give but something inside he just couldn't forgive
Life is a journey a struggle at best
But then that one angel sung him to rest
By the time he awoke in the presence of the light he new that he could not continue the fight
The presence of angels surrounded him there that one holy night God showed him his flare
Upon him were blessings that went all through the night
The night he laid down his will he was given sight
Sight to see all that was love
Sight that shined from heaven above