Wednesday, October 27

Friendship, Trust & Perspective

If I have seen it but have not touched it can I say that I have seen it?
Will anyone believe me if I say that I can see it but that I cannot touch it. Do we not live our life in such a way that breads the concern of whether others will believe us or at least believe our idea or thought or vision? Principally speaking others will believe that which is believable to the extent that trust is present. Trust is the barrier of truth. If I trust then it must be true. But what if I put my trust in a thought or an idea or a person that is not the truth and does not represent the truth? What if I align myself, my thoughts, my energy with a concept or vision that I myself have created in my internal dialog that for not breed clarity and thus I am caught in the whirlwind of either letting go or hanging on to a reality which I have created based on my instinct which then fails to come to fruition and thus I am left with an empty feeling? What then do I do with this empty feeling I side if me? First can we distinguish that a feeling is a made up phenomenon that is chosen by our conscious or subconscious. But you say that feelings make me feel the way that I feel and subsequently determine my thoughts and my actions for me. Then I say that you then are at the effect of your feelings rather than your feelings being at the effect of your freedom to chose. Here which choice we become satisfied by or not is that with which we have chosen. Left or right chose..."where are we going?" left or right chose..."where are we going isn't the question and who said we were going somewhere? If I am asked left or right chose and then determine from the question that we are going somewhere I've then created a reality that did not come from the question that was asked but rather my perception of the question that was asked and thus how it occurred for me. Left or right chose?...left. Why did you chose left? I chose left because I chose left. Now reality is set. Okay I have answered the question and the conversation is complete.
So then what is friendship? Friendship is a bond or a union of souls based on a connection that is unseen yet determined as experienced.  Friendship is then not based on expectations but on choice. If I chose to be friends with someone then I call them a friend. I can also chose to no longer call them my friend. Which is to say that I have given up that friendship. Perhaps I didn't see our friendship for what is was if later I am required to give it up? Or maybe my perspective changed and I did not see that what we had connected for and by did not have reason associated to it or I would have  said that my friendship with you is based on some expectations that I have of you and if you do not fulfill what I have in mind for who you are for me then I will give up calling you my friend and let go of our connection. Perhaps this is a capacity issue or willingness or not or rather it may not be anything other than the freedom to chose. Perhaps then we are free, free to chose. Ah and others may be offended by the choices we make. Will this limit me and my life to continue choosing. I guess this is my choice. 
Now that we have determined that a feeling is based on choice then we must also consider that the choice must have an impact. So what then we do with feeling is to identify what is as the source of it, what is causing it and what is shaping it so that then we may get to the reality if that which we are projecting as a perception. That perception then becomes our reality and thus creates our experience of our life. If I cannot determine the source of that which is causing my experience then I do not have clarity and thus my view is foggy. Have you ever driven in the fog or played darts with a blindfold on? This is what sharing or expressing feelings is like when disconnected from the source or the truth of what has me feel the way I feel and thus expressing from the point of view of that which I myself am feeling with. If I project my feelings onto you and call them your fault then the game I am playing is blame others for the way I feel and play the victim for how others treat me.

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