Monday, October 18

10 Realizations about Life

Writing creates the the space for the expression of personal thoughts, feelings, visions, actions, desires and so on. The simple act of writing can shed light on what is dealing with, what one is experiencing, where we are and where we are headed.

Over the past couple of weeks after spending 2 months in a spiritual womb and injecting myself with Gods love I have seen much and experienced the difference of light and dark. After being back in the city I can see that the world, the city life, the people, the energies in motion I have realized much about my current state, my life and the meaning of it all.

I have come to several conclusions about my life and will attempt to share that which I have learned about me via the expression of writing.

1. Distractions are all around us. Distractions are in this order (anything we focus on outside of our current goal or target rather thinking or doing is a distraction from our ultimate purpose.)
a. Unimportant Phone Calls
b. Meaningless Text Messages
c. Emails
d. thoughts, dreams, ambitions and visions

2. What doesn't work is to focus on thoughts that are not in the moment, of the moment and moving the spirit forward.

3. What does work is to be present to what is possible make a plan, write down the necessary objects of interest that need to get accomplished and accomplish them. Like writing a shopping list before going to the market. The result lives in the planning and writing it down then executing on it to produce the result.

4. Contemplation is very important and most important when we feel disconnected from others, from ourself, from God and from what mission we are fulfilling on.

5. Depression is as real as a made up reality.

6. Possibilities are as real as we are aligned with our word both said and unsaid.

7. Energy controls our live. Either good or bad, positive or negative. Energy communicates our fate and destiny. Give to much away to negative you may be over come by the negative. Give to much to the positive you may fly into ecstacy!

8. Hope is a dream as faith is a deep inner strength of hope forwarded out word to the universe. Moving forward is faith in action and faith in action produces results. Results that stem from the intention of the faith.

9. Worry is toxic!

10. Love is all we have!

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