Sunday, August 15

Worry and Fear

Worry and fear about one's life are the result and outcome of lack of something. Let me say it another way. Worrying about something or anything are the opposite of being fulfilled and living a fulfilled life. If we are able to see clearly enough to acknowledge something as not right in our life, our responsibility to our self is not to harbor this resentment of our self or others or to repeat this line of thinking. From this point of view is equal to that of knowing what is right of wrong for your life but living in habits that restrict one from living in true inner peace which breads outwards expression of self.
Oscillating one's thought energy or thought patterns from "good for a time" or "at peace for a time" to "worry for a time" or "fear for a time" is like blowing with the wind and reacting to the places the wind carry's us. This same truth holds true for animals as it does for human beings. The primary difference being that human beings have the ability to think and reason the decision we make and the choices we consider in our lives. Animals on the other hand are arguably more in tune with their very nature.
A kitten for example will be less likely to put unknown objects in their mouth whilst a child on the other hand is more willing to taste most objects it finds in his hand. Of course the kitten is more concerned about survival and finding food knowing innately that without food it will suffer. Consequently for human babies this realization takes years to become conscious enough to realize it is alive and must find on its own a way to survive. Instead it is concerned with being provided for, held, cuddled and fed. If he does not have these things he will express worry and fear or lack by his actions and thus he will cry and demand that he be provided for.
In similar fashion the birds will rely on their mother to feed them for a time until they baby bird is ready to feed itself, then a push from mother sends them out into the air ready to crash into the ground or fly amongst the air. But that bird does not know by thought as human beings think that he had wings to fly that will save his life. By the laws that govern nature he simply knows to start flapping his wings in the hope and faith of staying in the air and alive as it was designed to do all along. There is however a chance that he may not make it but then again these are the words of a human. The bird certainly does not know that death is an option, he just flaps his wings because he knows by the sense of his very nature to flap. The baby also know its nature but is in a more helpless state for a longer period of time than the bird. His resolve is to cry in such a manner as to expend precious energy making sounds of moaning and suffering in desperate attempt to continue surviving.
Human beings who being to reach adulthood and the become conscious enough to recognize his ability to survive on his own is then tossed into the storm of reason, opinions, emotions, feelings and points of view no animal had to endure. For all the animal knows is that which it had been given by nature. But the human must endure through and beyond all circumstances to live in the peace and freedom as the animals do.

Writings from a Monastery

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