Monday, April 25


Balance is achieved by strengthening ones inner world, ones inner conversation with oneself. This comes by achieving an inner peace within oneself. How is this achieved I ask? Through meditation and prayer? Saying words over and over again to connect the mind with the heart or to let go entirely and be watchful of that which comes into the mind and heart in stillness, peace and calm?
Is there a devil? I do not know! Is there evil? Is evil to harm the body, to harm the mind, to harm the heart of man? To wound his inner spirit or his inner soul?
Does a man cry out for mercy and how is mercy given to him? Is it all a felling? Is it nothing more than an experience of living energies being poured out unto him? Or does he generate the expression from within himself and that now he is open enough to experience within himself that which already surrounds him and already has from the beginning of time? To say or repeat is a form of self remembering and form of resolving the unsaid so that what one is looking for may return unto himself that he may again experience the inner bliss that he knew whilst he was in the whom of his mother or sucking on her breast for milk.
Man is forever attached to his mother. When he leaves her it is only to go looking for the feminine energy that he can give her and take from her to receive the love that he needs to give and receive. Giving is love. Love is God.
So why would someone want to live in depravity of that which wants to love him his whole life. It is possible that this is the only way he can maintain his peace. To find himself in the silence of his own heart?
Through that silence that brings him back to that place of being again in the whom and sucking on the breast of his mother.

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