Wednesday, June 30


Addiction is called living in denial of the truth...justifying addiction is called living a lye and living a lie is a sin which separates one from God. It is not a matter of morality Aka good vs. Bad right vs wrong. It's a matter of truth absolute truth which lies in complete submission to the will of Nature's ultimate claim a.k.a. our most pure and true nature. As long as we deny this we deny our right as children of the infinite to be in likeness, peace and harmony with the Ultimate truth where in lies true freedom for all humanity.
So it can be said that any and all attachment to the world is a matter of spiritual, mental and physical or bodily maturity and where one is (or stands in a Point of View)for his/her quest for truth, freedom and peace. To be as One standing united with all that is good (not moral good but good like whole and complete) to God is denial of our attachment to all things in the physical universe that temp is to honor them as god or gods. The nature of God is alive in no-thing but we as human beings are faced with the reality that we must live out our humanity and to do so we must be present to the physical space and reality of all things to gage our sense of self and place our purpose in life. We may also chose not this or be somewhere in between which is to say that perhaps we give ourself over to a limited perspective of the ultimate truth and tend towards a lukewarm mentality which we may deep as a balance of truth! So as humans we are caught between the physical reality wherein lies choice and the choices presented to our being along the way. What to do? Who to be? How to live? What to say? What to believe? Etc.
Free will - we have been given as a gift of grace but we cannot experience freely if our perspective is caught in the trap and mind twist of being attached to things in the physical reality ie. The world or anything physical which not only includes stuff or things but also thoughts, language and relationship to ourselves, one another and ultimate truth. So we do not get the right to exercise our free will Fully or Freely so long as we subscribe to the ways of the physical universe as the ultimate truth. Thereby we humans tend to live by a sub-set of half truths and thus are left empty with empty meaning or lack of purpose resulting in depression, anxiety, frustration with life. We then resort to more things which only perpetuate the challenges we were faced with in the first place.
For the most part, this idea is scary because it implies that we may therefore perceive our human right (choice and free will) to mean our right is to determine our path or our course based on some knowledge of the past. But the maturation of perspective is the determiner of such choice that leads to the direction of free will which ultimately winds us down the road the road most traveled per societies given directional cues or on the flip side the road less traveled, the narrow path, the life of virtue. The path that brings forth recognition of Spirit connects our heart, soul and mind to the ultimate reality. Of course, if there is an ultimate reality we might then find that which we chose to follow or chose otherwise. It's hot or cold, black or white for in between gives rise to confusion, difficulty, uncertainty, lack, pain, suffering and so on.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting perspective. I don't agree that the two options must be mutually exclusive. Although there are many lost souls that put great value on "things" and these people are ones that we hear about the most. I know more people that have balance and great perspective on the value of the "things" in the world, have true connection and are highly spiritual people... they also have great things, great families and do a lot of good for the communities we live in. What if there was no one out there who wanted to bust their tail with the reward being success, financial and spiritual. There is a part of the human spirit that needs to feel that their hard work has paid off. God created man with this need for success, to be proud of their accomplishments that might include providing for a family and watching your family grow. It's part of what is important to you at the end of your life. So, I guess what I'm saying is that we all need to seek balance in our lives. To have enough, give enough, and love enough. They all mesh together and anyone who believes that you can't have both is someone that has achieved balance. It doesn't give rise to confusion, it's a reality that achieving balance in life is not confusing.
